The Company was founded in 2005. The original objective was to fill the void pertaining to upgrading the existing seats in rail vehicles. Gradually, different opportunities based on the company's activities and client requirements (mostly the Czech Railways) arose which the company began to address quickly.
MSV interier s.r.o. currently manufactures new seats, interior units, small interior components and materials for rolling stock renovation.
Our development process and collaboration with the designers provide optimal conditions for highly professional meticulous design works and production solutions tailored to our customer requirements.
The main customers are companies engaged in the manufacture and upgrading of rolling stock in the Czech and Slovak Republics, and also in Germany, Serbia and Hungary.
The Company is building a new production hall in 2012, which together with our team of employees will be the guarantor of achieving quality, deadlines and any other requirements imposed by our customers and end users of our products, i.e. the traveling public.
From the very beginning, the Company adheres to the principles and procedures that are required by the ISO 9001-2000 standard.
From July 2006, regular approval process is in place to enable the Company to be the supplier for České dráhy (Czech Railways).
ViewFrom June 2006, the regular approval process is in place to enable the Company to be the supplier for Železniční společnosti Slovensko a.s. (Slovak Railway Company s.r.o.)
ViewSvařování sedadel, jejich částí a dalších komponent pro interiér kolejových vozidel.
ViewOur strategy is to stay in the manufacturers, repairers and operators of railway vehicles sub-consciousness as a comprehensive, reliable and creative designer, and as the manufacturer of interior units. Additionally, our objective is to maintain and further the above aims through amicable mutual cooperation.
MSV interier s. r. o., in order to achieve its Quality Policy strategic objectives, presents the following points:
Meet the customer needs in such manner that the customer perceives the Company as a comprehensive, professional and reliable supplier, bringing new, functional and economically viable solutions for its specific needs.
All our activities are understood as managed processes. Our aim and primary task is to improve these processes in order to meet the requirements of our partners at the highest possible level.
We have a priority interest in creating mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers of all materials and components because we wish to achieve a quality standard that sets us apart in the market.